Sunday, February 3, 2013

7 weeks: Symptom Check :)

So my little baby I think is still there and starting to cause me much more grief, lol. Tired is still not the word to describe how I spend the second half of the day (it is fitting for the first half). Then there is constipation....thats just an evil trick your body plays on you I think to prepare you for birth (not that birth hurts the same cause birth hurts far more...but still it's like here...practice pushing why don't you) boobies have been nothing but sore, not all the time like at the start but enough I still contemplate cutting them off. HUNGRY... I feel like like cookie monster, the never ending pit of wanting FOOD. I swear is I see it I will eat it, but on the flip side I've lost weight. Then there is this new issue of morning sickness, oh no not morning... everytime I get the slightest bit hungry I feel like I'm going to get I eat, and eat, and eat some more.... 

Some other things I've been trying very hard to focus on... 

We've officially surpassed when I had cramping and bleeding with Sage. There hasn't been even an ounce of discolored discharge, etc. So this baby hopefully is still tucked in there growing peacefully while it starves me daily. The not cramping and bleeding part I am holding on to as a daily reminder things could be okay. I have another ultrasound this coming Friday, where at this point we should see more (like a heartbeat). 

I'm trying hard to get through each day one day at a time. I didn't receive a call from my doc to go in for more HCG levels... I assume that is a good sign meaning I doubled more than enough and she's happy with it. I figured I would call in tomorrow to find out. My HCG levels at 6 weeks last time with Sage were actually lower than were we are starting things really are looking better. 

Here's a great video I found about the developing baby in me :) 

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