Tuesday, May 14, 2013

3D Ultrasound and check up

Got our first 3d ultrasound done. The tech wasn't thrilled about doing it but she did it. He's in a tough position, so we didn't get a great shot. I see it, not sure if the rest of the world will or not ;)

Everything is still going well. Will see the doc in another month then start going every two weeks. Got a tip about where the ultrasound techs I liked went to work so I will be getting my ultrasounds done there for now on :) I haven't been thrilled with the techs at the hospital honestly. I think they are the reason why my dates are off, and yes it still bothers me they are a week off. Everytime I catch the measurements they do of baby, he's where I think he SHOULD be, but they won't change my due date cause the early ones are supposed to "mean" more. Any way rant over... back to baby Nathan :) He's still a boy ;) Which I don't think there was a doubt but better to double check these things ;)

We have a NAME!

Its taken Jason awhile to warm up to this name. Boys names are harder to settle on than girls, but finally this morning after much debate between, Samuel and Nathan we have chosen this kiddo will be NATHAN :)

Now we to keep the preparations going for Mr. Nathan Vaughn Herne to be a wondrous addition to the world :) Speaking of... check out this really cute penguin sleeper I found for him :) hehehe.... too cute!

Friday, May 10, 2013


So I was in awe before I thought, HEY GET A VIDEO SILLY HEAD!... so I think this is more the tail end of his hiccups, but it was too cute, they were very regular :)

Monday, May 6, 2013


Considering I will induced at 39 weeks we are about half way through this pregnancy :) Which so far so good! I'm still vertical which seems to be a wondrous thing but now I KNOW what all the other pregnant ladies complain about. Soreness everywhere! My lower back has gotten much better with the refusing to bend.

Bought the little boy two preemie outfits. Emilie wore preemie clothes for a week or better, so I thought just a couple of the little little outfits would be nice to have around for this kiddo :) Got them used so they didn't cost a fortune. 

This image cracks me up, I sort of hope baby isn't all knotted up like this, but I know they can be, lol :) 
Baby boy seems to really like doing flips in there, mostly when I eat something I think he likes, lol. But at any rate, the movements are all VERY low and sadly I can't even feel them on the outside cause they are behind my pelvic bone. Jason felt the kiddo once (if he was being honest) but it was WEEKS ago and back then I could feel kicks sometimes on the outside, but nothing since. It was around Easter when it happened. I can't wait for him to get bigger and to see what Em thinks of it :) Sadly I'm sure like her pregnancy it won't be kicking so much, but rolling they will be able to feel, since by the time they CAN feel something baby can't kick and punch as much other just wiggle around. I hate anterior placentas!