Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another trip to L&D and 3ds of Nathan

Last night we went to L&D again. I was having contractions all day... here's the complete story:

Woke up around 3am.. yuck

Around 6:30 am started feeling some contractions/pains/cramps whatever you want to call them. I started timing them around 7. They were about 15 - 20 minutes apart.

Went for a "walk" with Wii Walk it out around 9am.

Took a nap around 10:30 for an hour.

Still having them, yet I stopped timing them. Somewhere just REALLY strong nonpainful ones, others were painful and tight but nothing crazy.

Took Em to preschool, went shopping, sewed somethings, brought Em to gymnastics. I noticed there things seemed to be happening more frequently. So after I got home I tried timing some more. During dinner they were about 2-3 minutes apart. So decided after dinner we might want to go to L&D to see what was going on.

Went in. They put me on the monitor for maybe an hour. Sent me home. Said I wasn't in enough pain and I was only 1cm dilated so to come back in when things progressed :\

And thats all she wrote. Here's some 3ds of Nathan :) Probably the last ones we will get before he's born :)

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