Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kicks captured :)

I don't know how many tries this took me but little man is now strong enough to show the world he's kicking mommy. Might still be hard to see but I'm going to do my best to make it clear :) 

There are two spots at two different times in the video. Yes the video is upside down... but I don't have a way to edit it right now. *edit* apparently on MY computer they are upside down but on here they are right, except for the photo... but just look on the left instead of the right :)

Kick 1 is by the wrinkle I put the number on. It's the faintest one to see. It happens about 6-8 seconds into the clip.

Kick 2 is much harder and probably the easier on to see. It happens just to the side of the 1, it happens around 42-44 seconds into the clip :)

And this is part of the reason why it's so hard to capture these and why there is hair all over my dress....

26 weeks

When your sick I swear everything seems to drag on, including pregnancy!

So here we are in the chart:

Odds of a Premature Baby's Survival by Length of Pregnancy
Length of Pregnancy Likelihood of Survival
23 weeks 17%
24 weeks 39%
25 weeks 50%
26 weeks 80%
27 weeks 90%
28-31 weeks 90-95%
32-33 weeks 95%
34+ weeks Almost as likely as a full-term baby
Sources: March of Dimes, Quint Boenker Preemie Survival Foundation

Very exciting that we've entered the 80% range, but I also don't think there is a risk at this point of him coming early either :)

So here's the last two weeks:

We went north because my grandfather passed away (we went up before he did and spent time with him and the family). Stayed for the funeral and continued on while we were there since we had to be there the week after. It was lots of on the go and running around. Emilie got sick around Wednesday of that week and Jason followed on Thursday.

Monday of that week (i'm back tracking). I went to the ER since I have having "contractions" again. My OB suggested I go. It ended up being nothing wrong just possible braxton hicks. Which was good news but also ofcourse made me worry.

Saturday was the party we stuck around to go to and we left Sunday morning with all three of us ill. ... so this week back I suspect will be a long one! I'm now fully engulfed in whatever we have picked up while Emilie seems to be on the mend.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

24 weeks....

I almost feel like I can finally breathe a little sigh. Not that I want another NICU baby, but at this point he would have a chance :) Nothing has been showing even the smallest sign that it's possible he will come early, but then I think about to Kaitlin and realize I didn't have signs my cervix was changing with her either... so that is always in my mind. Boys are more fragile in the NICU so his chances would be less likely I suppose, but it doesn't mean it wouldn't be possible :)

Odds of a Premature Baby's Survival by Length of Pregnancy
Length of Pregnancy Likelihood of Survival
23 weeks 17%
24 weeks 39%
25 weeks 50%
26 weeks 80%
27 weeks 90%
28-31 weeks 90-95%
32-33 weeks 95%
34+ weeks Almost as likely as a full-term baby
Sources: March of Dimes, Quint Boenker Preemie Survival Foundation

So little boy's room is finally settling in. We still needs lots of items that will be essential for bringing him home, but he has a place to sleep and some clothes so I think it's start :) With the baby shower at the end of the this month and another one the end of the next I think we will be alright.

Moving seems to have slowed down for him some. I still get pokes, but his once normal routine of kicks and punches seem to have calmed. Not sure if he's just loosing room or going through a growth spurt but it's been a definite change this past week. I also have that fun positioned placenta so perhaps he's just now hiding behind that more...

I feel like I've grown leaps and bounds this past week too but I think my bump has just changed in some way. Im still getting sciatic nerve issues, which sucks... I hate feeling like I can't walk when I am ALLOWED to right now... but it gets too painful to keep at it. So I spend alot of the day resting and then moving then resting, etc.

Emilie I think will be a great big sister :) She likes to give Nathan hugs and talks about after the baby comes alot, how she's going to share toys, etc. I know it's all going to change once he's ACTUALLY here, but we will see how it goes. I think for now she's excited ;)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

23 Weeks

I thought for sure I was 24 weeks when I woke this morning, can you tell I'm waiting for that marker to pass!

But here's the gold ole chart about viability:

Odds of a Premature Baby's Survival by Length of Pregnancy
Length of Pregnancy Likelihood of Survival
23 weeks 17%
24 weeks 39%
25 weeks 50%
26 weeks 80%
27 weeks 90%
28-31 weeks 90-95%
32-33 weeks 95%
34+ weeks Almost as likely as a full-term baby
Sources: March of Dimes, Quint Boenker Preemie Survival Foundation

So we are now ON the chart atleast :) Although I know the chances of baby making it would be extremely slim and worse cause he's a boy. But everything is going well so I need not to worry right... ha!

So update on me... being a normal pregnant woman is new for me and I'm thankful I get to experience, but man is it PAINFUL! Walking for any period of time causes either one side of me to hurt or the other. I also have an issue with like weak legs...one side might sort of catch just right and almost give out. It's nothing that happens all the time. It's normally followed up with pain, yay. I haven't gotten much stretching pain aside from some burning on occasion, but the sharp twinges there have gone away for the past few weeks. Sleeping at night is FUN...not. I get sore so I feel like I'm constantly flipping, which ofcourse wakes me up cause I have about a million pillows that need to move with me, and then I have to pee... so ya not fun. Nathan I also know things around 11pm is party time... sometimes he goes without waking me but I suspect if he keeps this pattern I will be woken by the little bugger nightly. All of his movements are mostly low, Jason has been able to catch a few on the side but the placenta is very clearly in the way. I tried to get Emilie to feel but her patience isn't there..when he's bigger...

I've started washing clothes and putting them away. Summer is surely going to to start taking us away... so I wanted to get things settled some now. But we have a north trip coming up, a small baby shower to attend :), a garage sale to plan, a possible small family outing for a weekend, Emilie's birthday, preschool, etc.