Monday, September 30, 2013


I'm one whole week today :)  Woke up to a bath. I actually like baths....well not at first, I hate the getting naked part, but once mommy gets my butt in the warm water and sprays me with the mist I love it! Especially my head being sprayed and washed :)

So this past week i"ve been happy.... 
...and sad.

Lets face it, being a baby is tough. I mean I try to sleep but people keep kissing me, moving me, changing me, and feeding me. I get moved around from place to place and don't get me started on this big sister character! ... She's always trying to hug me, rub my head, and just won't leave me'd think she likes me or something. 

I don't mind the clothes. I mean who doesn't think I"m styling in my frogs ;) 

And not to mention these mommy and daddy people. They are alright a little crazy I think... I mean mommy sang me Mr. Sandman the other day... someone like that must be lockable! 

Thats all folks ;)

Day 6

On the 6th day of life mommy photographed me sitting in front of a tree :) 
Sort of... I was in the big bay window and Emilie even took some of the photos :) 

Until she wanted IN them :)

Until I spit up all over... ending the photo shoot :)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 5

First day of Tummy Time :) I like it actually, but I like to LAY like this :) I can pick my head up just fine and move it side to side, but I prefer to chill :) 

So Emilie and I hung out together :) Ya she's a pretty cool big sister, I don't have another one to compare her too, but she's pretty nice :)

I also got some sun time today. Not 2 hours like the doc suggested but we did what we could :)

Then Daddy was laying on the couch so mommy gave me to him and yup we both feel asleep. It was for only a few minutes for daddy since the pizza man came, but well I don't eat that stuff so I stayed asleep :)

See told you still asleep :)

Day Four (docs appointment)

Look at my scratches now :) Barely even there... see grandma they weren't that bad ;)

Check out my outfit from England!

Today I visited Emilie at school, and then I went to my first Docs appointment.

I have jaundice, so mommy and daddy are going to forumla feed for the weekend, put me in the light and give me a little water to try to get it gone and over with :)

I am right now 9lbs 3oz (90%) 21 inches long (96%) and my head circumference is 14.75 inches (97%). I'm looking good overall :)

The heart possible issue at birth is considered in a normal range.

I go back for more blood to be drawn Monday to test for the jaundice and see the doc again Wednesday.

Daddy planned on letting mommy sleep more tonight since we are bottle feeding :) GO DADDY is what I say :)

Lots of other things went on today... like big sister got to help carry me :)

I also got to share lap time with daddy...

 And I got my first bottle from big sister :)

Day Three

New Day New Outfit :) (Mommy is trying to get to me wear all my newborn things atleast once :) hehehe)

I also scratched my face up pretty good the night before when I got am arm free from my gown... So mommy had to cut my nails. 

And put socks on my hands.

Also the day of my first bath :) Which I actually wasn't happy about at first but once I was sprayed with some nice warm water it was awesome...well until was taken out then I got cold again. 

But the nice big froggie towel warmed me back up :) 
Oh ya and more cuddle from the big sister after bath time :) 

Day Two

We got to see some awake time :) He woke some throughout the first night to nurse and cuddle, but mostly slept... mommy didn't sleep as well since it seemed once asleep someone would come in and poke me or him. 

Another day, another cute outfit :) 

And some more cuddles from big sister :) 

The big event though was coming home! 

I didn't mind the ride I slept through it :) 

Second Night... 

So second night went okay. I did nurse about every hour, which drove mommy mad and so she gave me my froggie paci for the first time. I LOVE IT! We ended up sleeping in the living room on the recliner so mommy could hold me and keep me happy while she slept some. I love sleeping on my mommy she was so warm and squishy :)

Day One

So he was born at 2:37pm :) So starts the first "day" of his life :) 

Ofcourse mommy had to dress him up in something cute :)

Since he had visitors eager to meet him :)
Including a very happy big sister :) 

Pretty sure it was love at first site :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Nathan's Birth Story

While its still fresh from the day time to try to write up the birth story... Lets see if I can remain coherent enough :) lol

Went in Sunday evening the 22nd for cervidal. Which did start causing me some contractions. So needless to say I didn't sleep all that well. Maybe 3-4 hours. By 5 I was awake for the day. Ate breakfast and waited for pitocin to start around 6. Called Jason about 30 minutes after pit started cause contractions were getting rougher. Water was broken around 7:30-8. Contractions got closer and we started out much like Em's... except my cervix wasn't changing too much. I then honestly broke down inside and asked for the epidural. Why I never had one before is beyond me! Those things are fantastic, lol.

So then for many hours we went through the game of rotating me from one side to another and checking me... I got to 9cm and just stalled. My cervix actually started swelling some too. I kept feeling tons of pressure and at this point could actually even move my legs some even though they were numb. Nothing was doing anything. So it was time to talk possible c-section. I was for it, honestly just wanted to get him here healthy and well :) Kassis suggested we check me again. She then had me try to push. With some confidence built from that went from possible section to pushing...and with some scary moments and a episotomy he was out :) All 9lbs 11ozs of him and his 21 inches in length :)

He stayed on my chest for an hour, attempted nursing even and it was wonderful :) He is here!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another trip to L&D and 3ds of Nathan

Last night we went to L&D again. I was having contractions all day... here's the complete story:

Woke up around 3am.. yuck

Around 6:30 am started feeling some contractions/pains/cramps whatever you want to call them. I started timing them around 7. They were about 15 - 20 minutes apart.

Went for a "walk" with Wii Walk it out around 9am.

Took a nap around 10:30 for an hour.

Still having them, yet I stopped timing them. Somewhere just REALLY strong nonpainful ones, others were painful and tight but nothing crazy.

Took Em to preschool, went shopping, sewed somethings, brought Em to gymnastics. I noticed there things seemed to be happening more frequently. So after I got home I tried timing some more. During dinner they were about 2-3 minutes apart. So decided after dinner we might want to go to L&D to see what was going on.

Went in. They put me on the monitor for maybe an hour. Sent me home. Said I wasn't in enough pain and I was only 1cm dilated so to come back in when things progressed :\

And thats all she wrote. Here's some 3ds of Nathan :) Probably the last ones we will get before he's born :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Outfit for Nathan from...

...Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dick :) 
Thank you! 

What you don't see is if you turn it around there is a tigger on the butt :) LOVE IT!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Trip to L&D

Went to L&D on labor day. Doc suggested it since I had headaches all weekend and felt dizzy. So we went in reluctantly. It's not fun going there, but better safe than sorry. Everything was fine. Baby was fine, etc. So we carry on. I think my headaches might be due to a million things that just come and go. I have had vision problems since the start of the pregnancy so I think they get sore causing headaches cause I know I'm like straining to see. Then it's allergy season again which can bring them on. Oh and lets not forget the fun migraines I get on occasion... SO who knows what it is... my blood pressure it is not :) Which is good!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Online Baby Shower :)

Thank you very much Jennifer Sanchez for the online baby shower :) 

Here are some cute videos and photos of Emilie opening her little brother's pressies :) 

Thank you Aunt Zona, Uncle Marvin and Gavin :) 

Thank you Sherry and Jesse! 

Thank you Jennifer and Jose! 

Thank you Grammie and Gramps!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the games and congrats to the winners :)